//Include category names on painting pages.
Mennonite Men
Farmer from Neubergthal
Father's Pride
Food for the Winter
Gathering - Mennonite Style
Hockey Player
Last Ride
Off to War
Sunday Best
Three Men on Bikes
Farmer from Neubergthal
Size: 20” x 16”
Private Collection
Based on a photo sent to me by Conrad Stoesz from the Mennonite Heritage Centre. The only information given was Mr. Hamm from Neubergthal.
Father's Pride
Size: 20” x 16”
Price: $400.00
A father's love and pride - what more could a girl want.
Food for the Winter
Size: 16” x 20”
Price: $400.00
Slaughtering of hogs was a common practice among Mennonites. In our family it was done in November. Here the hog is covered in hot water and the hair is removed before the meat is cut up.
Gathering - Mennonite Style
Size: 16” x 20”
Price: $400.00
My recollection of Dueck gatherings is that the men would gather around my Grandfather and he would tell stories to a captive audience. Laughter followed and a good time was had by all.
Size: 16” x 20”
Price: $400.00
Throughout the years technology has changed dramatically in agriculture.
Hockey Player
Size: 20” x 16”
Private Collection
Sports were and still are an important form of entertainment and exercise. Well known Altona Maroons player poses for a photo (1960).
Last Ride
Size: 16” x 20”
Price: $400.00
Born in 1917 - One last opportunity to have a ride in the combine with his son.
Off to War
Size: 20” x 16”
Price: $400.00
Non-resistance a common practice among Mennonites but not for all. Some Mennonites did go to war.
Sunday Best
Size: 20” x 16”
Price: $400.00
Attire of a young boy's "Sunday Best" in the early 1920's.
Three Men on Bikes
Size: 20” x 16”
Price: $400.00
Still searching for accurate information on the photo found in a family photo album. Another example of stories lost in history. Could be interpreted as participants in a wedding party?
Size: 20” x 16”
Private Collection
1956 Working on a linotype machine used for setting type at Friesens.